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Strategic Planning

The PPC Strategic Planning Committee recognizes that large-scale social change requires broad cross-sector collaboration and coordination. This committee advocates for culturally competent collective impact to leverage resources to achieve common goals.


The coalition uses the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) in order to prevent and reduce the use and abuse of alcohol, tobacco, and drugs.


The framework addresses both risk and protective factors. Risk factors are those elements within an individual or her environment that make her more susceptible to particular negative behaviors or conditions. Protective factors are the opposite – those elements within an individual or his environment that make him less susceptible to those negative behaviors or conditions.


Risk and protective factors vary, depending on the issues they relate to. Some examples of risk factors for alcohol abuse, for instance, include:

  • The availability of alcohol in the community (number of liquor stores, willingness of adults to buy alcohol for teens).

  • Community norms that tolerate and expect alcohol use among youth and adults.

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