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Recreational Campground/Residential Camps


Campgrounds in Ohio are regulated under the authority of Chapter 3729 of the Ohio Revised Code (ORC) and Chapter 3701-26 of the Ohio Administrative Code (OAC).


Environmental Health Specialist here at Sandusky County Public Health routinely inspect all RV/Campgrounds (while open to the public) paying close attention to grey/black water discharge, capacity limitations, sanitation, and the maintenance of the overall facility.


There are four types of RV/Campground which include:


Temporary campgrounds 

A temporary campground is defined as any tract of land used for a period not to exceed a total of twenty-one days per calendar year for the purpose of parking FIVE OR MORE recreational vehicles, dependent recreational vehicles or portable camping units, or any combination thereof, for one or more periods of time that DO NOT EXCEED SEVEN CONSECUTIVE DAYS.


If you plan to operate a temporary campground for a festival or other event, you are required to submit a temporary campground application and a licensing fee. These items need to be submitted to the Sandusky County Health Department at least 15 days prior to the planned start of camping at the event.


CLICK HERE for the Temporary Campground Application


Combined park-camps

These contain a combination of RVs, pop-up campers, and truck campers.


Recreational vehicle (RV) park

These are motorhomes, campervans, coaches, caravans, fifth-wheel trailers, pop-up campers, and truck campers.


Recreation camps

These are mainly pop-up campers, and tents.


For more information and forms, please visit the Ohio Department of Health for more information.

Campground facility inspections are available publicly by request by calling (419)-334-6377.

Updated on 2/13/2024

Sandusky County Public Health can be contacted 24 hours a day in the event of an after-hours public health emergency. 

After hours call the Sandusky County Sheriff’s Dispatch at 419-334-6433 and ask to speak to a Public Health Official.


Public health emergencies could include:

An immediate environmental health hazard (e.g. drinking water contamination), An infectious disease of immediate public health concern,

(a Class A reportable disease, which requires disease reporters to contact the health department immediately by phone)

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